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The Little ThingsJC3
00:00 / 04:06
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"The Little Things" - My Pastor preached a message "Being Mindful of the Little Things" on Wednesday night February 16th, 2022. I wrote this song the next Sunday, February 20th, 2022. My Pastor had talked about how we all are obviously thankful for the big things in our life, like salvation and other things we can't forget about but really the little things are just as important! He gives us breath to breathe, He keeps us safe as we travel down the road, the list goes on and on! So Lord help us to be more thankful for the little things! I asked my Pastor if he would title it for me and he said let's call it "The Little Things".
As a side note, I'm very thankful for the way the Lord uses my Pastor to give me songs to write and it means a lot to me that he titled this song for me!!
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